sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience :)

I don’t know If I enjoyed this blog experience, but I’m really convinced that was an excellent tool to improve my English knowledge.

This blog helped me to practice my grammar skills, to know new English words, to increase my vocabulary and to meet new blogs.Some of the advantages of the blog activity were:
-The fact of being useful as a modern and technological learning method
-Through the blog I knew my fellow mates’ opinions, their likes, their dreams and the project they have in the future, etc.
All of this was because of the blog system, a really useful device to develop communication between students.

About disadvantages: Especially for me it was a little hard because I don’t know exactly when to use certain grammar structures. Due t this lack of knowledge I used to get late with every post (trying to create a good post) I also think that this blog method is not good enough to develop oral skills. I think that’s a really important point since I find hard to speak English in a fluently way, so I think that must be considered in other activities.This entire class has helped me a lot to get in touch with a new and real English experience. The blog activities have been really entertaining and interesting at the same time. So that’s why I think the blog has been really useful to me.

However, I don’t know If I will be posting from now on since my university schedule demands a lot of my time, so I’ll think about it in the future because I find very useful to start posting as an habit to increase my English abilities.


martes, 16 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

Today I'm going to talk about my ideal job.

My ideal job would be in a comfortable place (is not a specific place or municipality or ministry), with good partners and people committed with their job.

I would not like to work in other region, only in Santiago for being close of mi family. The most important thing for me it’s to be comfortable and happy with myself. A lot of people today, work just for obligation and they don’t realize as person, so later they are frustrated, stressed up, violent and angry.

For find a job like this one, I think I should be more compromised with the rest of the people and demonstrate them how much I like this, how much I work hard for being the best one, and specially to show them that I’m worried and care about the problems on society. I think that I’d be good in a work like this, because I’d be comfortable and this would help me to demonstrate my capacities. That’s a very important thing to be successful on professional life and work.

It’s very difficult find a job like this one, because today everything on society, spin around pressure and people end up with stress.


martes, 9 de junio de 2009

Last Judgment (Michelangelo)

The Last Judgment was painted on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. It took four years to complete, began in 1537 and ended 1541.

The picture provoked a scandal, and the most violent critiques because it was considered shameful that in so sacred place so many naked figures should be represented. Michelangelo of heresy was accused and one tried to destroy the picture.

I do not remember exactly when I saw it for the first time, but that was in a book of history, in the school. I like this mural, because I go a lot of time to realize it and the result was brilliant, in addition generated a lot of polemic in it time.
Enjoy it! :)

martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Ken Robinson : Do schools kill creativity?

Ken talks about how the educational system does not consider creativity in the formation, but this is very important for the future. He believes that all children have talents, but this system is wasting.

This problem of the education is around the world. At the moment, this formation makes that in the future (being adult) people lost this creativity, this education withdraw them of promove the creativity, finally we can't make something original.

I agree with Ken, because in Chile is the same. System doesn't foments creativity and innovation. Ken's testimony is also a reflection of the Chilean system; this last thing help us to reflect and try to improve to a better level the education, including more areas. All this, for make our childs future better.

See you :)

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

The best in my area

His name is Nelson Mandela, he was the first president of South Africa elected democratically between 1994 and 1999 , and he won the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1993.

Nelson Mandela is a famous activist against the apartheid for this he was 27 years in prison. In 1990 he was liberated and in 1994 was elected president, from that position established a politic of national reconciliation. Today, Mandela is 90 years old and is a famous statesman that continues to give opinion and to be participate about topics fundamental.

He is the best in my area , because I believe that is a great man. He was a fighter for his ideal, against social injustice and oppression in whatever form.

Without a doubt, a man who frame world-wide history and a true archetype to follow.

Bye :)

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

My favorite Photograph :)

I haven't a favorite photo.....I have many!!!!!!! This is one of my favorites.

This pictures was taken in September of last year and we celebrated the birthday of one of my friends. This photograph is very important and special for me because we are all my friends of the University . That day we ate pizzas, listened to music,spoke and more.

We spend it well and was great. I would like to repeat more birthdays and situations like this :) , it does well.

Enjoy this picture, I know that they will like !!!. See you :)

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

Activity 3: Answers about "Your body".

a) Which of the suggestions mentioned here are you actually following, or thinking of following soon?.
Ocassionaly I drink ,for example when I go to the parties. I'm following to eat more vegetables and fruits, it's difficult but not impossible and I can't go to the Gym now, because I haven't time but I pretend to go soon.

b) With your teacher, talk about the meaning of these phrases from the article:
1) I think means :Try to understand that I must calm my lifestyle.
2) I must stop and think the things much better.
3) Sometimes, I could drink beer.
4) Talk about changing the habits of food
5) I must make “hamstring my stretches” when I do exercises
6) The 20s is the best age, because what I do now will have a huge impact in my future.